Friday, December 31, 2010

Flowers for all seasons

Flowers are beautiful,they are used in various occassions like burials, weddings, and on valentines day.That means that they are used for important occassions only.So if someone gives you a flower know that you are important to them and they hold you dear to their heart.So why not surprise that person you love or care about with a flower,you never know it may lift up their spirits in case they are feeling down.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

God's faithfullness

  Life is very funny sometimes,at times things go well for you but at times things just go bad.When things are going well for some people they tend to forget that God exists and they only remember Him when things are not going their way.How do you expect God to help you when you do not remember Him during your happy times, even though our God is very faithful He helps us no matter how much we have wronged Him,He is also forgiving.
  At times i do wonder if God was human how the world would be,there would be very few people here on earth because every time you wrong you would be punished and never to be forgiven.People lets appreciate the good things that the Lord does for us by just thanking him and counting our blessings.
    A simple prayer will do  wonders,i know there are some people who do not believe in God but for those who believe, i tell you He is a miracle worker,all we have to do is ask and believe.The bible says ask and it shall be given unto to you,whatever we ask of Him He grants us it is just that us humans are never satisfied with what we are given.For example,someone may ask for a boyfriend but when they have been given they do not even remember to say thank you, instead they say if he was like this or like that
    Let us not take things for granted,each day that you wake up say a prayer for being given a chance to see that day because there are so many people who would have loved to see that day but did not and it is not because you are special or because God loves you more but it is because of His mercies.
    So please i urge you my fellow beings let us remember the Lord in all we do and He will never leave nor forsake us.God bless.